Achieve Straighter Teeth Faster with Six Months Smiles in Hamden

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In the past, people who want to achieve straighter teeth will have to wait for years to have the result they wanted. Some people want to accomplish this in a shorter time which is now made possible, thanks to the ever-evolving orthodontic treatments. Parkway Dental provides a faster treatment for patients who wish to achieve straighter teeth with the help of Six Months Smiles.

What are Six Months Smiles?

Six Months Smiles is an Orthodontic treatment that can correct the teeth in a patient’s “smile zone,” meaning the teeth that show whenever they are smiling. These teeth are easier to manipulate compared to the back teeth which would require longer treatments. Six Months Smiles also provides an aesthetically pleasing appearance by using aligners that resemble the natural teeth color. It is made out of translucent and tooth-colored materials for its brackets and wires making it almost invisible when worn.


Benefits of Six Months Smiles

  • Provides faster treatment time of around six months or even less depending on the condition of the teeth. It is highly beneficial to people who need to have their teeth straightened in a much lesser time than the traditional braces.
  • Six Months Smiles may not be invisible, but they are much less noticeable than the traditional braces which use metal braces and wires. Using tooth-colored and clear materials, it works effectively without compromising the appearance.
  • By focusing on the “smile zone,” it can transform the appearance of your smile faster, making it more convenient compared to metal braces.
  • It can be considered as a cheaper treatment since it can be completed faster which means there are fewer costs for maintenance and even appointments.
  • More comfortable since it provides consistent and gentle pressure to the teeth but still follows the same principles of the traditional metal braces.

How to properly care for your Clear Braces (Six Months Smiles)

  • Make sure to brush your teeth after every meal if possible, but if a brush is not available properly rinse your mouth using water to remove any food particles that are stuck in the teeth or even the brackets and wires.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean and protect the braces, avoid brushing vigorously since this can cause damage to the wires and brackets.
  • Flossing might be tricky, but it is required for proper cleaning of the areas between the teeth to prevent any foods from creating acids that might attack the teeth.
  • Use antibacterial mouthwash for mouth rinsing to clean the teeth and braces at the same time.

Practice proper dental hygiene for the whole duration of the treatment as well as when it is over since it is for the maintenance of the overall dental health.

Dental innovations are developed to provide more favorable results and faster treatment time, like Six Months Smiles. Bring out your best smile with Six Months Smiles in Hamden, book your appointments with Parkway Dental. Our dental office is located at 1869 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06514.