How Your Dentist Can Help with Your Gum Disease in Hamden, CT?

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Gum diseases can be a sort of inflammation of your gums that can further lead to affecting your bone structure which surrounds your teeth and supports them. There are three stages of gum diseases – the gingivitis, which is the basic stage of gum diseases, then comes the periodontitis, and lastly, the most severe on the advanced periodontitis.

There are several symptoms that can indicate the onset of coming gum diseases:

  • Pain when chewing food items
  • Swollen, red and tender gums
  • Constant bad breath
  • Sensitivity to extremely cold or extremely hot food and drinks.
  • Loosening of teeth
  • Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing
  • Presence of pus around your teeth and gums
  • Receding gum lines, or the gums that move away from the teeth.
  • A change in coming together of teeth.
  • Changes in the denture fittings

Our mouth is a place where millions of bacteria can thrive, and we would not know. Some of the bacteria are harmless, while the other, with their mere presence only can damage our dental aesthetics in almost an irreversible way. These bacteria can attack our gums and teeth can cause damages and decay.

The food we eat, and we do not clean leads to this a bacterial formation. There can be a presence of plaque on our teeth surfaces, which if still not cleaned can harden up and get converted into tartar. The infections and bacteria because of this can aggravate and reach to the internal pockets (the pockets between our teeth and gums), this can further lead them to reach to the roots of our teeth, gradually. Once they reach the roots of our teeth, they can start the damage process. They can destroy the roots, tissues and ligaments, the dental structures from within and the connective tissues as well. If at this stage also, the gum diseases are not controlled and tended to, can lead to the loss of teeth as well as the bone structure involved.

The treatment for all kinds of gum diseases begins at home. They involve ways to keep our dental aesthetics healthy and happy. This can be achieved through brushing our teeth daily and flossing, along with regular dental check-ups. These simple steps can keep the bacteria and the plaque formation away. So that the situations do not get so worse.

Another way of treating the gum diseases is by going for regular check ups and getting the layers of plaque and tartar removed through dental scaling and root planing. These procedures will remove the layers and give you cleaner and plaque free teeth. This can be followed by dental polishing and dental cleaning. Dental cleaning, if frequently done can help you get rid of gingivitis.

If your case is that of periodontitis or advanced periodontitis, then a bone grafting or a flap surgery may be recommended. These can help in the potential bone loss to stop and also can clean and close the pockets that have been created.

Consult our team of professionals to know about gum diseases, their effects, and the treatment procedures suitable for you specifically. We are happy to help you. Call us – (203) 408-2248. Or visit us – 1869 Dixwell Avenue, Hamden, CT 06514.