Dental fillings in Hamden

Dental filling is used when a cavity is treated. The open area where the cavity has been removed is filled in with fillings (of choice). Fillings are also used to repair a cracked or broken tooth and worn down teeth. If you are looking to find out more about dental fillings in Hamden, read on…

Types of filling:

Cast Gold Fillings

Gold filling can last up to 15 years or longer, and it does not corrode. It is a strong material and can withstand chewing. However, while some may find gold filling pleasing to the eye more than silver amalgam fillings, many would choose to differ. The downside to gold fillings is that they cost up to 10 times higher than the cost of silver amalgam fillings and can take up to two visits to finish up.

Silver Fillings (Amalgams)

Silver fillings potentially last up to 10 to 15 years, longer than tooth colored fillings. They also cost less than composite (tooth-colored) fillings. However the downside to silver fillings is that they need more space to accommodate the amalgam fillings and they are known to expand larger when exposed to heat which can lead to a higher incidence of cracks and fractures of the tooth.

Tooth-colored Composites

Tooth-colored composite is preferable when you take into account the aesthetic of the tooth, therefore they are mostly used to fix the front teeths. Composite filling does not take more space and can micro-mechanically bond to tooth structure, providing further support.

However it doesn’t last as long as amalgams filling and cost twice as much. 


Made from porcelain, ceramics are more resistant to staining than composite resin material. They can last up to 15 years and can cost up to as much as gold fillings.

Glass Ionomer

Commonly used for fillings below the gum line and for fillings in young children, they are made of acrylic and a specific type of glass material. Glass ionomers release fluoride, which can help protect the tooth from further decay. However they only last up to 5 years or less.

Indirect Fillings (inlays and onlays)

There are two types of indirect fillings, inlays and onlays. Inlays filling are similar to normal fillings but only works on the surface (cusps) of the chewing tooth. Onlays are known as partial crowns; they cover one or more of the cusps on the tooth more extensively. 

If you are in Hamden and you are looking to get dental fillings… At Parkway Dental we have trained and highly experienced professionals that can provide you with the proper dental care you and your loved ones need. Give us a call at (203) 408-2248 to book an appointment.