When Do I Need A Root Canal Treatment?

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When Do I Need A Root Canal Treatment?


It’s normal to experience some anxiety if your dentist has informed you that you require root canal therapy. Fortunately, there is no need for concern. Root canal therapy is a common dental surgery used to treat infections in the mouth and relieve discomfort, and even though it sounds scary, we can assure you, it is not.


What Is A Root Canal?


Each tooth is equipped with a nerve and a blood supply. The nerve in a tooth might become irritated as a result of trauma, decay, or past or recent dental treatment. Once a nerve gets irritated it can also lose its blood supply. When that happens, you will start to experience some tooth discomfort, swelling, or tenderness. A root canal treatment is done to cure the tooth and extend its life expectancy.


When Is A Root Canal Needed?


The most typical indication that you might need a root canal is dental pain. You could require a root canal if you have persistent tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, painful and swollen gums, or jaw and toothaches. Visiting your dentist for a checkup and inspection is the only way to be certain. To identify the best course of action, your dentist will examine your teeth and gums, and take X-rays if needed.


What Happens If You Don’t Get A Root Canal?


One of the consequences of not treating a tooth that needs a root canal will be extreme pain. Without treatment, the tooth’s blood vessels and nerves will develop a serious infection, which can lead to the formation of pus and abscesses. An abscess is a pus-filled swelling that is typically found near the end of the root canal. Swelling around the face, eye, or neck can result from an abscess that is severe enough. If that happens, you may need to head straight to the hospital. Bone loss surrounding the tooth’s roots is another outcome that can result from not getting the proper treatment.


How To Know If A Root Canal is Right For You


The main benefit of having a root canal is that you won’t have to put up with the pain or discomfort that comes from having an infected tooth. Additionally, root canals prevent the infection from manifesting itself as cellulitis or abscesses on other face features.


In addition, root canal therapy allows you to keep a tooth that is seriously infected rather than extracting it. It allows you to keep all the benefits of preserving your original teeth, including a natural appearance, typical bite power, and consistent eating habits.


The dental professionals at Parkway Dental in Hamden would be pleased to answer any questions you may have about the process of getting a root canal. Have one of our skilled dentists help you relieve your tooth pain by getting in touch with us today and making an appointment.